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Awesome t-shirt design

Awesome t-shirt design for you

Which shirt to wear when Marching for Science on Earth Day 2017

Posted on April 4 2017, 10:42am

March for Science on Earth Day is coming! Do you have any preparation for the march? Here is some merch for you to wear when going to the march.

You all mothafuckas need Science shirt

Y All Motherfuckers Need Science shirt

A Neil Degrasse Tyson funny shirt: Y'all motherfucker need science

You can purchase the shirt here (21.99)

The Lorax Unless. March for Science shirt

the lorax unless march for science shirt

A shirt inspired by Dr. Seuss The Lorax: Unless.. You can purchase at iFrogtees

Bill Nye March For Science shirt: You can Deny the Truth.

Bill Nye March for Science shirt 2017

A shirt feature Bill Nye portrait with quote: You can De-nye the Truth

You can get this shirt here

Are you ready for the March, find out more merch here

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Comment on this post
I love the Lorax Unless march for science shirt! Nice t

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